Showing posts with label squash bugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label squash bugs. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Best ways to Eliminate or Avoid Squash bugs

Every year millions of at home gardeners and farmers are plagued with the menace known as the squash bug. The breed faster than rabbits, smell like rancid milk and vinegar, are huge and eat EVERYTHING! Contrary to the name they do not just like to attack your summer squash they will take advantage of anything you leave a little less cared for. If you could not tell, I absolutely hate these little beast! But I have quickly learned a few secrets that have allowed my to keep my plants healthy and productive and today I wanted to share my top observations on how to handle these pesky little beetles.  They aren't the most traditional routes you could go, but they are very simple and you will probably have access to get this stuff if you don't own it already.

  • Dish Soap works amazingly as insecticide not just for the squash bug, but for a whole host of hostile bugs which you can find crawling over your plants. All you need to do is add about a half teaspoon of it to a water filled spray bottle, spray any it directly on the bug and it will die in a matter of minutes. (Word of caution, this can burn your plants so if you accidently spray it on a large area rinse it off as soon as your sure the bug is dead.)
  • Use a green house or garden tent to increase the temperature around your plant. This one I found out unintentionally while experimenting with a new greenhouse set up. In the southern area which I live, the temperature normally gets above 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, but my greenhouse goes well over 100 even with the door open. The high heat levels are actually really being loved by my cucumber and squash plant and the heat seems to be keeping away the major pesks which would have already invaded by this time last year. I think its a win-win and I'll definitely do this in the years to come.
If you try these, let me know how they work out for you in the comments below and if you want to keep up with this blog subscribe with your email, its free!